Frequently Asked Questions


Difference between coaching, counseling/therapy and consulting

Both professions have similarities. Each address complex situations, relationships and emotions while providing a safe environment for open and honest communication. There are also differences.

Counseling/Therapy treats and relieves a mental health disorder. This type of services looks at past to present and assists clients in resolving problems based on a treatment plan. Action is not necessarily emphasized.

Coaching assists in improving performance; observing; giving feedback; inspires new thinking. Action looks at present to future; what and how will you go about it? Pure coaching doesn’t provide answers or solutions.

Consulting provides answers and solutions to an area of expertise.

While Sarah is a licensed marriage and family therapist, her services are a hybrid of coaching and consulting. She no longer provides counseling/therapy.



Coaching is a fundamentally different process than individual or family therapy in that there is no presumption of “illness” on the part of the client or an effort made to “reduce symptoms.” Therapy is health care; coaching is not.

Therefore, most insurance companies do not reimburse for coaching or consulting services due to lack of medical necessity.


Sarah’s rate is $250/hour. Most meetings are one hour and range from weekly to monthly. Brief phone calls and emails are at no charge and part of the coaching/consulting service.

Where can I get information on Parenting plans

Here a some links to parenting plan worksheets and guidelines.

Guidelines for Parenting Plans:

Multnomah County Parenting Plan Resources:

uncoupling Choices

There are many ways for clients to work through the decisions related to uncoupling.



Most people (70-85%) of couples getting divorced in Oregon do not use lawyers.

A kitchen table divorce (also know as pro-se or self-filing) is one where both spouses complete the paperwork themselves. You can have a drafter (usually an attorney  or paralegal) assist you. Some individuals and couples choose to consult with financial or mental health professionals, on a one-time or as needed basis.


Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process by which both parties are in charge of making agreements. The mediator (or mediators) are neutral, there to facilitate agreements between parties. Mediator do not give legal advice, or make decisions. 

Main categories of mediators include attorneys mediators and non-attorney mediators (such as financial mediators and mental health mediators). 

Co-Mediation is a process by which two mediators (generally from different professions) are in the same room together with clients at the same time. 


Collaborative Divorce is a structured, voluntary process in which spouses settle without resorting to litigation. In A Collaborative Divorce:

  1. The parties sign a collaborative participation agreement describing the nature and scope of their divorce process.

  2. The parties voluntarily disclose all information which is relevant and material to their divorce (i.e. assets and liabilities);

  3. The parties agree to use good faith efforts in their negotiations to reach a mutually acceptable settlement;

  4. Each party must be represented by a lawyer whose representation terminates upon the undertaking of any contested court proceeding;

  5. The parties may engage mental health and financial professionals whose engagement terminates upon the undertaking of any contested court proceeding; and

  6. The parties may jointly engage other experts as needed.

For more information, please visit the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals website:


 Clients each have an an attorney representing them, and the attorneys are assisting the clients by getting to agreements by sending proposals back and forth, attorney phone calls, and possibly scheduling settlement meetings or attorney-attended mediation. 

For spouses who cannot come to agreements, the court system was created to make decisions for them.